A Biography Of The Exiled Leader Of Tibet.This is a true true story of today,yet one so filled with mystery and dramatic and ter- rible events that at times it seems to come out the East,s ancient past. Certainly the story of the Dalai lama is destined to be-come one of the great legends ,amarvelous and heroic tale from the heart of Asia. "To any westerner",says Mr.Thomas,"the story of the Dalai Lama......is amaz-ing from start to finish." Mr.Thomas is one of the few westerners ever to meet the God-king,now living in India ,who is the spritual & temporal leader of Tibet. Faith- fully and in detail, he recounts here the life of the youthful exile who remains a symbol of spritual force to his millions of followers,not only inTibet but through out the East. The United State of America Van press